Services: Application Guidelines
Format of the Application
Applicants must use the Application form and submit it in PDF format by e-mail to . Any paper versions of applications will be rejected.
Applications not containing essential information (e.g. on methodology) cannot be properly evaluated for feasibility. For scientific questions regarding a specific Service, please contact the corresponding lead scientist directly (listed in the service description). For questions regarding any aspect of the submission, review or associated administration please contact the TRANSVAC Management Team.
Confirmation of Receipt
Receipt of your application will be acknowledged within 48 hours (72 hours if submitted on Fridays). Applications not acknowledged as received may have not been successfully transmitted and should be resubmitted via e-mail. Under no circumstances will the Management Team accept responsibility for lost e-mails or consider applications received after the deadline. Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring that their applications are received and acknowledged within the deadline.
Submitting on Time
Applications may be submitted on or after the opening date and must be successfully received by TRANSVAC no later than 5:00 p.m. CET/CEST on the application cut-off date. If an application is not received by the due date and time, it will not be reviewed until the next application cut-off date. See also: Confirmation of Receipt (above).
Number of Simultaneous Applications Allowed
Applicants may submit more than one application at a time for a given Service, provided each application is scientifically distinct. An application for multiple complementary services for one distinct scientific project should be submitted with a single Application Form where the check boxes corresponding to the selected services are ticked.
Attachments / Maximum Length of Applications
The responses submitted to this Call for Applications may not exceed the maximum number of words indicated in the Application Form. Tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, and charts should be directly included into the Application Form and the application sent as a single file to in PDF format. Filenames must not include spaces or special characters, and a PDF extension must be used.
Notification on Results
All applicants will be notified via e-mail of the results of their application upon completion of the selection process and if selected will be invited to enter into contact with TRANSVAC. No discussion will be entered into regarding the reasons for rejection and the TRANSVAC User Selection Panel’s decision is final. The successful applicants’ names will be published on the TRANSVAC website.
Above all, TRANSVAC is looking for innovative high-potential proposals of scientific excellence. Scientific excellence and feasibility will be the main criteria for selecting the applications.
Important Notice
TRANSVAC will not provide the Users with cash funding or any kind of financial support in the context of this call. TRANSVAC exclusively offers Users free access to its partners’ installations and Services. There is no cost to the User for using their awarded Service.
Please note: For paid services, Users from outside Europe may apply. While following the same application procedure, the selection will not be dependent on the review process described under Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process and applications can directly be accepted by the service provider.
If a proposal is selected by the TRANSVAC2 consortium, the animal experiments will still require approval by the respective local ethics committee (from the country where the experiments are conducted). If this approval will not be granted, the TRANSVAC2 consortium cannot be deemed responsible and the applicants cannot make any claim for compensation.
Renewals / Extensions
Renewal and Extension applications are not allowed for this Call for Applications.
All applications must be written in English.

TRANSVAC2 is now also offering services as part of ISIDORe, Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research, to support scientists and their research on epidemic- and pandemic-prone pathogens, the development of medical countermeasures, with the aim of increasing resilience in the face of epidemics in Europe and globally.
To apply pre-register at and when you receive a registration ID, download and fill in the application form below.
The Call Procedure and the Application Form may be subject to change. Please always download the current versions for the latest cut-off date from this website (see Call Schedule).
Be the first to know about the upcoming application calls, follow European Vaccine Initiative on Twitter and LinkedIn or subscribe to TRANSVAC Newsletter.
If you are interested in TRANSVAC2 services, kindly contact us via
Eligibility Criteria
Who should apply
The rules governing use of the Services offered by TRANSVAC are those laid down by the European Commission (EC). Please note that the TRANSVAC partners are unable to make exceptions to any of these rules. The term “Users” refers to an external group (or external individual) who is selected to access the Services offered by TRANSVAC.
Through a peer-reviewed competitive process, European groups may apply to benefit from the expertise, reagents, and facilities of the TRANSVAC project. The Services are not restricted to any disease in particular. For scientists based in countries outside the EU Member States or its Associated States, access is subject to a range of charges according to the Service in question.
According to the EC regulations applicants must comply with the following criteria:
The User group leader and the majority of the Users in the group must work in an institution established in a EU Member State or Associated State (Associated States: Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia, Armenia);
Additionally 20% of Users of a specific service can be of non-EU countries Associated to Horizon 2020 as listed in the document H2020 Programme Funding of applicants from non-EU countries & international organisations.
The User group leader and the majority of the Users in the group must work in a different country than the TRANSVAC partner whose Service they wish to access
Only Users that are able to openly disseminate the results they have generated with the support of TRANSVAC may apply.
Please note: If the application is eligible and selected for support, following the evaluation procedure, user or user groups must be able to start the study within the timeframe agreed with service providers, and set in the acceptance letter. If the user/user group does not comply with the stipulated schedule, support can be withdrawn.
For paid services, the threshold (mentioned in point 2.) for users from outside Europe does not apply. While following the same application procedure, the selection will not be dependent on the review process described under Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process and applications can directly be accepted by the service provider.
Selection Process
Evaluation and Selection of Applicants
Applications will be reviewed by the TRANSVAC Scientific and Ethics Advisory Committee (SEAC) and the TRANSVAC User Selection Panel (USP). In its commitment to adhere to the principles of transparency, fairness and impartiality, TRANSVAC has set up these bodies: one independent external panel (SEAC) and another composed of both independent experts and TRANSVAC project partners (USP), which are concerned with the selection of new applications, and which will review applications in light of relevance, scientific excellence and feasibility. Review process:
Scientific Excellece score
User Selection Panel
Steering Committee
User Selection Panel
Feasibility score
Firstly, applications will be reviewed by the TRANSVAC Management Team to ensure that all meet the basic selection criteria (e.g. on-time submission, eligibility criteria, formal and administrative requirements). Should applicants have failed to meet the criteria defined in the call text, their proposal will be returned to them. It will not be evaluated further but may be resubmitted once corrected, for consideration at a later date. Secondly, the application will be reviewed in parallel by the TRANSVAC SEAC, who will peer-review the scientific and experimental quality of proposals, and the TRANSVAC USP, who will review the feasibility of the project. The scoring of the TRANSVAC SEAC and USP will be combined and transferred to the USP. Thirdly, the TRANSVAC USP shall make a decision on the short-list of fundable projects.
Threshold of Excellence
Please note that the TRANSVAC partners agreed to set a threshold of excellence for applications to the non-human Primate (NHP) model services, i.e. only applications for the animal models scored excellent may be selected for the animal model services.