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New collaboration with ERINHA: towards new vaccines faster for highly pathogenic agents

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on September 19, 2019 between ERINHA AISBL and European Vaccine Initiative, coordinator of TRANSVAC2 project. TRANSVAC2 (the European Network of Vaccine Research and Development) supports innovation for both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine development and aims to establish a sustainable vaccine development infrastructure in Europe.

ERINHA-ASIBL (European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents) is a pan-European Research Infrastructure dedicated to the study of High-consequence pathogens of Risk Group 4 (RG4). The over-arching goal of ERINHA’s Infrastructure research concept is to provide capacities to conduct projects which are broad in scope, ambition and require a range of capabilities inside and outside BSL4 facility that no single facility can provide on its own.

By signing the MoU, EVI and ERINHA intend to collaborate and join their efforts to accelerate the vaccine development research in the field of infectious diseases through strategic planning and programming the activities, alignment of calls for services and exchange of information.

The first step of the collaboration will be a simultaneous launch of Trans-National Access calls for both initiatives on 15th of October 2019.


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