An effective management framework will be set up to ensure that all work packages progress towards their planned objectives within the predefined contractual requirements and time frames.
Work Package 2 | Gaps and needs analysis and context analysis of research infrastructure landscape
Led by
An in-depth assessment of existing needs and gaps in current vaccine development will be conducted, involving a large representation of external stakeholders from public, private and governmental/non-profit sectors. This analysis will conclude with identifying strengths, gaps, challenges and opportunities for the establishment of a vaccine R&D infrastructure as an efficient and effective means of addressing the existing needs that have been identified
Work Package 3 | Feasibility and option analysis – governance, finance and business models
Led by
European Vaccine Initiative
WP3 aims to ensure appropriate governance and financial management of the infrastructure and to design the infrastructure’s business model through five goals: (1) Develop a menu of possible alternative approaches (‘options’) for the overall design of a vaccine infrastructure (2) Prioritise a leading conceptual design based on a standard set of criteria; (3) Define a clear governance structure for the EU vaccine R&D infrastructure; (4) Prepare a detailed five-year business plan for the future implementation of the vaccine R&D infrastructure; (5) Ensure operational integration with existing research infrastructures operating in the EU vaccine R&D space
Work Package 4 | Stakeholder engagement strategy
Led by
European Vaccine Initiative
The goal of WP4 is to identify and engage external stakeholders relevant for this design study by (1) creating the registry of stakeholders that are key for a vaccine infrastructure; (2) developing a stakeholder engagement strategy that provides stakeholders with an opportunity to contribute to, support and influence the conceptual and technical design and planning of the infrastructure; (3) Raise overall awareness of the establishment of a vaccine R&D infrastructure by identifying the most effective communication channels, tools and measures.
Work Package 5 | Socio-economic impact analysis
Led by
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
The objective WP5 is to plan and subsequently assess the socioeconomic impact of the vaccine R&D infrastructure. This work package will thus have two main goals: (1) Develop a methodology to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of the infrastructure; (2) Conduct a socioeconomic impact assessment for a vaccine R&D infrastructure.
Work Package 6 | Communication and Dissemination
Led by
Flanders Vaccines
WP6 aims to develop and implement a comprehensive approach for communication and dissemination of the project results ensuring promotion the project and its results by providing targeted information to multiple audiences; Implement corresponding strategies to ensure the appropriate exploitation with proper protection of project results.
Work Package 7 | Ethics
Led by
Institut de Recerca I Tecnologica Agroalimentaries
The goal of this work package is to identify and address all relevant ethical issues that could arise from the activities conducted by a future permanent vaccine R&D infrastructure, and develop strategies for handling them.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 951668.