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Flow Cytometry​

Application Deadline: 

Call dates coming soon




Fontenay-aux-roses, France​


Dr. Anne-Sophie Gallouet


IDMIT Infrastructure (CEA)

IDMIT Infrastructure (CEA)

Administrative support:

For questions about the application process, registration and scholarships:

Registration fees


Minimal requirements 

Basic flow cytometry knowledge (3 to 4 colour experiments).

Who should apply

Anyone with the minimal requirements and wishing to improve flow knowledge.

Learning outcomes

To master multi-dimensional flow cytometry from the basic theory to data analysis, and biological interpretation of the results.

Course content

DAY-1 (9:00 am to 5:30 pm)

1. Introduction to the course
2. Optimization of protocols for intracellular staining of immune cells (ICS): from the choice of the markers to controls
3. Presentation of the ICS protocol and ICS hands on session Cell stimulation Fixation and Permeabilization
4. Sample Acquisition Course Introduction to DIVA Introduction to FlowJo Quality controls Staining and Acquisition

DAY-2 (8:30 am to 12:30)
5. Data analysis hands on session Sample analysis using FlowJo Post sample analysis using SPICE
6. Storage, analysis and visualization of Flow Cytometry data


The course will comprise lectures of experts in the field presenting methods for assessing the immune response in human and animal models. In particular, it will be focused on combined staining of surface markers and intracellular markers (cytokines and degranulation markers), allowing the characterization of activation, differentiation and functionality of lymphoid and myeloid cells. It will include approaches to master multi-dimensional flow cytometry from the basic theory to data analysis, and biological interpretation of the results


We are pleased to offer free registration and travel funding to selected researchers from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These registration and travel grants for LMIC applicants are generously sponsored by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

CEPI Logo Colour.png

Please note that not all courses are open for application submission, check open calls to know which for which courses you can apply for at the moment.

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