Services do NOT include
Further image analysis.
Possible Output
A number of imaging detectors are available and their use dependent on the sample - advice is available. Acquisition software is instrument dependent: Krios EPU 1.4.4, Tomo 4.2.1, GMS 2.33; Talos EPU, TOMO; Polara Digital Micrograph 1.85, GMS 2.3, SerialEM 3.4. Automated data processing is available onsite and further analytic advice is available via CCP-EM located in an adjacent building.
Sample Requirements - input of users
For further information contact the service provider,
Lead Scientist
Peijun Zhang
Description of service
Access to eBIC and OPIC electron microscopy facilities. Capabilities in the cryo-EM Centre eBIC span single particle analysis and molecular and cellular tomography using FEI technology and direct electron detectors. Automation is available for handling multiple samples. In addition, preliminary screening can be done on the Polara instrument, available at the sister OPIC facility. Guidance is available on sample preparation ahead of the use of high-end microscopes and preliminary image collection.
On demand
Cryo-Electron microscopy
Cost coverage opportunities
There are cost coverage opportunities available: contact the service provider for further info.