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Jenner Institute Viral Vector Core Facility (VVCF) additional services for vector production

Pre-clinical adenoviral vectors

VVCF provide a minimum of 1-5x1010 IU in total (1-2x1012 VP) for a standard batch of adenovirus. Each batch undergoes our QC tests before batch release.

Insert size: up to 6.5kb.

Adenoviral vectors available: AdHu5 constructs or the Oxford owned ChAdOx1 and ChAdOx2 vectors.

Timescale: from linearized BAC to final product in less than 8 weeks.

Cost: approx. £700 for a standard prep (administration and shipping charges also apply).


VVCF also offer molecular biology services to produce the starting material required for viral production for an additional fee.

Pre-clinical Modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vectors

Minimum batch yield of 5x10e8 to 1x10e9 total PFU and each batch is subjected to our standard QC tests.

Insert size: up to 10kb.

MVA vectors available: antigen expression at either the F11 locus (Oxford patented) or the TK locus (freely available), with or without a fluorescent marker (mCherry or GFP).

Timescale: from plasmid to final product in 12-14 weeks.

Cost: Prices start from £1,200 per batch. VVCF can also produce the starting material required for production on request for an additional fee.

The Viral Vector Core Facility (VVCF) at the Jenner Institute has been producing all recombinant viral vectors required by Jenner Investigators for pre-clinical vaccine studies and other purposes for over a decade. The facility is also able to supply external academic and industrial collaborators subject to confirmation that there are no conflict of interest with current Jenner Institute research programmes. We are able to produce adenoviral and Modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vectors suitable for pre-clinical vaccine studies and are able to offer a pre-GMP MVA service to supply starting materials for GMP manufacture elsewhere.


For more information about services described bellow please contact Dr Claire Powers, VVCF Facility Manager:

Pre-GMP Modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vectors

Timescale: from plasmid to final product in 15 weeks.

Cost: Price on application.

QC testing: As well as the standard tests, pre-GMP starting materials are sequenced and mycoplasma testing is optional.

Standard quality control testing

Our standard QC tests for batches are:

 Identity:     Flank to flank PCR to ensure correct size of antigen insert (Adeno / MVA)

                        ID specific PCR (Adeno / MVA)

                        Purity PCR to ensure absence of parental virus (MVA)


Viral titre:  Viral particle (VP) measurement by spec (Adeno)

                        Infectious units (IU) by immune-titration (Adeno)

                        Plaque forming units (PFU) (MVA)

Sterility testing.

You will receive full batch paperwork detailing the origin, production details and QC information. 

VVCF are also able to offer end-point sequencing of all final products and stability testing for adenoviral vectors over 5 to 10 passages with or without repression (with or without sequencing).

Molecular Biology Services 

By request, VVCF can order a desired insert (as plasmid) and perform the necessary molecular work to produce the starting materials required for viral production. All plasmids and BACS produced at VVCF undergo full flank-to-flank sequencing to confirm the antigen sequence is correct prior to production.

Re-Bulks and large bulk orders 

Once a virus has been prepared at VVCF we retain a pre-master seed should you wish to order more. We are also able to produce viral batches on a larger scale that the standard prep sizes given. Please get in contact for a full quotation.

Pre-clinical adenoviral vectors
Pre-clinical MVA vectors
Pre-GMP MVA vectors
Molecular Biology services
Standard quality control testing
Re-Bulks and large bulk orders Re-Bulks and large bulk orders 
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