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IDMIT Infrastructure (CEA)

The mission of “infectious diseases models and innovative therapies” (IDMIT) infrastructure is to provide the scientific community with an exceptional capacity in Europe for human infectious diseases preclinical research. The partner founders of IDMIT include major institutions in the field of human health and infectious diseases - the CEA, also coordinator of the infrastructure, the Insitut Pasteur, the INSERM, the Paris-Saclay and Paris-Sud Universities, and the Nation Agency for AIDS Research and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) – covering research areas from basic science and technological innovation to medicine. IDMIT hosts technical and scientific staff with unique expertise and centralises in a single location large facilities for NHP models (as an example: AIDS, Influenza, Pertussis, chlamydia infections, arboviruses, Ebola vaccines), in vivo imaging and core laboratories.

Role in the TRANSVAC project

IDMIT will contribute 1) To the development and validation of assays based on flow cytometry and mass cytometry for the evaluation of immune responses in humans and animal models; these tools will be particularly relevant for the identification of signatures of vaccine efficacy; 2) To the animal model platform, in particularly by providing access to NHP models and to new technologies for in vivo imaging infections and host responses; 3) To networking activities, in particular by organising a workshop on in vivo imaging.

Main staff involved in TRANSVAC

Roger Le Grand, PhD, D.V.M., Director of IDMIT infrastructure; Nathalie Derreuddre-Bosquet, PhD, Director of IDMIT core laboratory for immunology and infectiology; Antonio Cosma, PhD, Director of IDMIT FlowCyTech Core laboratory; Catherine Chapon, PhD, Director of IDMIT core laboratory for In vivo Imaging of Infection and Immunity; Christophe Jourbert, PhD, D.V.M., Director of IDMIT Animal Science and Welfare core facility;

The Facility

IDMIT is an infrastructure for preclinical research in infectious diseases and immunology which is certified ISO9001 and which includes 1) A large animal facility with capacity to host NHP in BSL2 and BSL3 containment, 2) State-of-the-art laboratories for cell biology, immunology, molecular biology, flow cytometry and mass cytometry (CyTof), cell-sorting and confocal microscopy in BSL3 containment; 3) A biological resources centre with high storage capacity; 4) Highly innovative technologies for in vivo imaging of large animals in BSL2 and BSL3 containment, including a two-photon microscope, a PET-CT facility, and several optic based technologies (fibered endo-microscopy, near infra-red imaging).

TNA or Training provided

IDMIT will provide access to flow cytometry and mass cytometry technologies with no species limitation. In addition, IDMIT offer access to preclinical immunogenicity studies using NHP and access to its BSL2 and BSL3 in vivo imaging core facilities (PET-CT, Two-photon microscope, NIR technologies, and fibered endo-microscopy).






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